Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Fresh thinking on what libraries have to offer

The Information Literacy Cookbook Edited by Jane Secker, Debbi Boden and Gwyneth Price. 025.5
I really liked the first sentence of chapter 2: 'The secret to good cooking lies in the use of fresh ingredients.' If you feel like your training sessions might be getting a bit stale you might find something here to help. Very much a book to dip into for inspiration but, given the enthusiasm with which the authors take on and develop the metaphor, probably best not read if you're feeling hungry!

Marketing the Best Deal in Town: Your Library. Where is your purple owl? By Nancy Rossitor. 021.7
Seth Godin wrote about the need for 'purple cows' - not just the same old thing with new marketing spin but truly innovative products and services. Are libraries boring old brown cows, or do we have something genuinely remarkable to offer?

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