Monday, 12 April 2010

Where are we, and our users, going?

Evans, Woody Building Library 3.0: issues in creating a culture of participation. 025.02 EVA

What is Library 3.0? In this book it's taken to be whatever survives of the library after the web 2.0 revolution. It's the future and so somewhat unpredictable but might incorporate elements of 3D virtual worlds, the semantic web, intelligent search, natural language queries, social networking and mobile web. It will almost certainly involve the breaking down of barriers and some threats to the established role of libraries.

Lee, Sul H. Bridging the gap: connecting users to digital contents. 025.04 LEE

Papers delivered at the Oklahoma Libraries 2007 conference looking at a variety of technological challenges that are currently facing libraries.

Dempsey, Kathy. The accidental library marketer. 021.7 DEM

How to avoid the pitfalls that await the amateur library marketer.

Pantry, Sheila and Griffiths, Peter. How to give your users the LIS services they want. 025 PAN

Who are these 'users' and what do they want? Includes chapters on making use of information about past behaviour, tracking changes in user wants and needs and some thoughts about the future.